You See Battlefield - I See Something Else
The rich old miser sitting upon the leather chair. A fire in front of him. For mirrors show the truth, they do not speak like a fire does. A painting hung above the fire showing the glory he has set, a painting of himself. As he sits there with the clock ticking slowly, he notices he is indeed old of age and the only thing he has ever done with his life was make money for himself. With all the money he has earned he isn't happy. Goals were set and accomplished, but what was in the middle? Memories of good time? If you count counting money... then yes.
Um... could you please continue this further? It appears that I cannot end my story. Your song seems incompleted not short. It has many aspects that I like and I'm sure you probably noticed which ones reading through my story. All I ask is that you finish this song so I may finish my review as well as my story.