Great Artistic Tragedy
When I started playing this game the visuals enraptured me. Your artwork and animation are outstanding, to be honest quite masterful and you should receive credit where credit is due. The controls seem awkward and I thought that these might be odd controls that I would have to get used to over time, but no they weren't, they were a bit stiff to be honest and as for landing on a platform you're fighting with the controls, I've fallen out of the trees on more than one occasion. The next thing is going to be the story, although a simple one it's probably a little too simple and not really reliable to its name. The game is called William and Sly, although you play as Sly, William hardly does anything except give you a map. Now then the one thing that truly does this game no justice is the gameplay, although not bad it's boring and I am truly surprised that I made it to the end of the game, it was long, but very tedious... collect and find is all this game is. Within the game there are your enemies which honestly are unfair to the gamer, you can't see them until they're coming after you and the only way to fight them off is by gaining invincibility by unlocking a Teleporting Stone, that alone isn't fair. I know this isn't supposed to be a challenging game, but you could've at least given Sly some kind of attack. Next is going to be the teleporting stones, this is what kept me playing through the game, I honestly thought that you'd be able to choose which stone you'd want to go to manually, however you set this up in a weird way as well by having to unlock each stone to be able to teleport between them... say if someone unlocked the third stone, but not the second one... well they can't teleport to the first stone with first unlocking the second stone, I see what you were going for and it was a stupid idea. Another thing is going to be the map and the overall game itself. By introducing teleporting stones you had opened possibilities for an amazing game, but ruined it by making one giant clustered world that gets confusing, and it doesn't help that your map is small to where it's hard to read it... oh yeah and your map doesn't count as pausing so you can end up losing all your Fairy Flies from an enemy you didn't even know was there... plus you can't view the rest of the area in front of you or even behind you just what's majorly around you, don't get me wrong, but aren't you supposed to use a map to help you go somewhere instead of taking a path, opening your map, and then seeing that you went the wrong way? Your sound overall was quite superb, making the game peaceful, however combined with the boredom you receive playing it just makes you drowsy. You had an amazing concept for a game, but ultimately it didn't work out so well in the end. This is certainly an idea that I would like to see you do once more because it's a wonderful idea, but perhaps a small bit of complexity would suit this game well.
|| Good Points ||
*Masterful Artwork
*Masterful Animation
*Superb Sound
*Good Story
*Good Controls
*Good Gameplay
|| Bad Points ||